$47.00 USD

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

The Fundraising Collective

Join the Fundraising Collective as a founding member and receive access to all the bells and whistles at a discounted monthly rate!

This limited-time offer
is for the first 10 members!

Here's what you have to look forward to inside the Collective Community!

  • Resource library with helpful downloads and customizable templates.
  • Monthly group coaching calls for fundraisers
  • Hey Fundraiser! private podcast episodes.
  • Friendly Fundraising Community

*Your monthly membership starts today! As a founding member, you'll be locked into the exclusive founding member rate of $47 and will continue as long as you remain an active member. This fantastic offer automatically renews monthly, ensuring your fundraising and operations journey continues without a hitch.

Do you need an invoice for your organization? No worries, email us at [email protected] and we will get that over to you asap to lock in your founding member rate.